December 6, 2023

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fire alarm panel conventional ?

Conventional fire alarm panels have been around ever since electronics became small enough to make them viable. They are no longer used frequently in large buildings, but are still used on smaller sites such as small schools, stores, restaurants, and apartments,ect…
So what are the advantages and disadvantages of a fire alarm panel conventional ?

fire alarm panel conventional

Advantages of fire alarm panel conventional
Cost effective for small applications. very cheap !
(Note: The larger the system the less competitive the price mainly due to higher installation costs.)

Disadvantages of fire alarm panel conventional:
1.Cost, not competitively priced for larger systems.
2.Detection of smoke or a fire is done by zone, which could be multiple areas rather than specifying a specific location. This could delay emergency responders from locating the fire.
3.Conventional fire panels are often called “dumb” panels because of the inability to provide