July 30, 2023

Following the fashion – combo smoke and co detectors

Whether you live in a rented house or apartment, your landlord is required to provide you with a working smoke and CO alarm or combo smoke and co detectors. Tenants are responsible for maintaining the alarms.

I have long advocated against the use of combo smoke and co detectors because the most effective position for a smoke alarm is typically on the ceiling, while carbon monoxide detectors are usually best mounted at about eye level on a wall.

However the growth in popularity of combo smoke and co detectors can’t be ignored, So we must keep up with the times, I’ll present some of the reasons this category is now growing so rapidly.
The combo smoke and co detectors cost only slightly more than the individual detectors of either type with the result being that you save a lot of money having to buy only half the number of units. Installation is also much easier when you only have to mount half the number of alarms as you have to when installing separate smoke and CO alarms.

combo smoke and co detectors

The Sumring SR-821THS alarm is our most highly recommend combo smoke and co detectors due to its fashion design/high quality/with LCD display for gas . Besides,the price is lower than general fire detectors. Why not click “combo smoke and co detectors” to get more info !